- class trimesh.visual.texture.TextureVisuals(uv=None, material=None, image=None, face_materials=None)¶
- __init__(uv=None, material=None, image=None, face_materials=None)¶
Store a single material and per-vertex UV coordinates for a mesh.
If passed UV coordinates and a single image it will create a SimpleMaterial for the image.
- Parameters:
uv ((n, 2) float) – UV coordinates for the mesh
material (Material) – Store images and properties
image (PIL.Image) – Can be passed to automatically create material
- concatenate(others)¶
Concatenate this TextureVisuals object with others and return the result without modifying this visual.
- Parameters:
others ((n,) Visuals) – Other visual objects to concatenate
- Returns:
concatenated – Concatenated visual objects
- Return type:
- copy(uv=None)¶
Return a copy of the current TextureVisuals object.
- Returns:
copied – Contains the same information in a new object
- Return type:
- property defined¶
Check if any data is stored
- Returns:
defined – Are UV coordinates and images set?
- Return type:
- face_subset(face_index)¶
Get a copy of
- property kind¶
Return the type of visual data stored
- Returns:
kind – What type of visuals are defined
- Return type:
- to_color()¶
Convert textured visuals to a ColorVisuals with vertex color calculated from texture.
- Returns:
vis – Contains vertex color from texture
- Return type:
- update_faces(mask)¶
Apply a mask to remove or duplicate face properties, not applicable to texture visuals.
- update_vertices(mask)¶
Apply a mask to remove or duplicate vertex properties.
- Parameters:
mask ((len(vertices),) bool or (n,) int) – Mask which can be used like: vertex_attribute[mask]
- property uv¶
Get the stored UV coordinates.
- Returns:
uv – Pixel position per-vertex.
- Return type:
(n, 2) float or None
- trimesh.visual.texture.power_resize(image, resample=1, square=False)¶
Resize a PIL image so every dimension is a power of two.
- Parameters:
image (PIL.Image) – Input image
resample (int) – Passed to Image.resize
square (bool) – If True, upsize to a square image
- Returns:
resized – Input image resized
- Return type:
- trimesh.visual.texture.unmerge_faces(faces, *args, **kwargs)¶
Textured meshes can come with faces referencing vertex indices (v) and an array the same shape which references vertex texture indices (vt) and sometimes even normal (vn).
Vertex locations with different values of any of these can’t be considered the “same” vertex, and for our simple data model we need to not combine these vertices.
- Parameters:
faces ((n, d) int) – References vertex indices
*args ((n, d) int) – Various references of corresponding values This is usually UV coordinates or normal indexes
maintain_faces (bool) – Do not alter original faces and return no-op masks.
- Returns:
new_faces ((m, d) int) – New faces for masked vertices
mask_v ((p,) int) – A mask to apply to vertices
mask_* ((p,) int) – A mask to apply to vt array to get matching UV coordinates Returns as many of these as args were passed