A basic slow implementation of ray- triangle queries.
- class trimesh.ray.ray_triangle.RayMeshIntersector(mesh)¶
An object to query a mesh for ray intersections. Precomputes an r-tree for each triangle on the mesh.
- __init__(mesh)¶
- contains_points(points)¶
Check if a mesh contains a list of points, using ray tests.
If the point is on the surface of the mesh the behavior is undefined.
- Parameters:
points ((n, 3) float) – Points in space
- Returns:
contains – Whether point is inside mesh or not
- Return type:
(n,) bool
- intersects_any(ray_origins, ray_directions, **kwargs)¶
Find out if each ray hit any triangle on the mesh.
- Parameters:
ray_origins ((m, 3) float) – Ray origin points
ray_directions ((m, 3) float) – Ray direction vectors
- Returns:
hit – Whether any ray hit any triangle on the mesh
- Return type:
(m,) bool
- intersects_first(ray_origins, ray_directions, **kwargs)¶
Find the index of the first triangle a ray hits.
- Parameters:
ray_origins ((n, 3) float) – Origins of rays
ray_directions ((n, 3) float) – Direction (vector) of rays
- Returns:
triangle_index – Index of triangle ray hit, or -1 if not hit
- Return type:
(n,) int
- intersects_id(ray_origins, ray_directions, return_locations=False, multiple_hits=True, **kwargs)¶
Find the intersections between the current mesh and an array of rays.
- Parameters:
ray_origins ((m, 3) float) – Ray origin points
ray_directions ((m, 3) float) – Ray direction vectors
multiple_hits (bool) – Consider multiple hits of each ray or not
return_locations (bool) – Return hit locations or not
- Returns:
index_triangle ((h,) int) – Index of triangles hit
index_ray ((h,) int) – Index of ray that hit triangle
locations ((h, 3) float) – [optional] Position of intersection in space
- intersects_location(ray_origins, ray_directions, **kwargs)¶
Return unique cartesian locations where rays hit the mesh. If you are counting the number of hits a ray had, this method should be used as if only the triangle index is used on- edge hits will be counted twice.
- Parameters:
ray_origins ((m, 3) float) – Ray origin points
ray_directions ((m, 3) float) – Ray direction vectors
- Returns:
locations ((n) sequence of (m,3) float) – Intersection points
index_ray ((n,) int) – Array of ray indexes
index_tri ((n,) int) – Array of triangle (face) indexes
- trimesh.ray.ray_triangle.ray_bounds(ray_origins, ray_directions, bounds, buffer_dist=1e-05)¶
Given a set of rays and a bounding box for the volume of interest where the rays will be passing through, find the bounding boxes of the rays as they pass through the volume.
- Parameters:
ray_origins ((m,3) float, ray origin points)
ray_directions ((m,3) float, ray direction vectors)
bounds ((2,3) bounding box (min, max))
buffer_dist (float, distance to pad zero width bounding boxes)
- Returns:
- Return type:
set of AABB of rays passing through volume
- trimesh.ray.ray_triangle.ray_triangle_candidates(ray_origins, ray_directions, tree)¶
Do broad- phase search for triangles that the rays may intersect.
Does this by creating a bounding box for the ray as it passes through the volume occupied by the tree
- Parameters:
ray_origins ((m, 3) float) – Ray origin points.
ray_directions ((m, 3) float) – Ray direction vectors
tree (rtree object) – Ccontains AABB of each triangle
- Returns:
ray_candidates ((n,) int) – Triangle indexes
ray_id ((n,) int) – Corresponding ray index for a triangle candidate
- trimesh.ray.ray_triangle.ray_triangle_id(triangles, ray_origins, ray_directions, triangles_normal=None, tree=None, multiple_hits=True)¶
Find the intersections between a group of triangles and rays
- Parameters:
triangles ((n, 3, 3) float) – Triangles in space
ray_origins ((m, 3) float) – Ray origin points
ray_directions ((m, 3) float) – Ray direction vectors
triangles_normal ((n, 3) float) – Normal vector of triangles, optional
tree (rtree.Index) – Rtree object holding triangle bounds
- Returns:
index_triangle ((h,) int) – Index of triangles hit
index_ray ((h,) int) – Index of ray that hit triangle
locations ((h, 3) float) – Position of intersection in space