Provides a common interface to load assets referenced by name like MTL files, texture images, etc. Assets can be from ZIP archives, web assets, or a local file path.
- class trimesh.resolvers.FilePathResolver(source: str)¶
Resolve files from a source path on the file system.
- __init__(source: str)¶
Resolve files based on a source path.
- Parameters:
source (str) – File path where mesh was loaded from
- get(name: str)¶
Get an asset.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the asset
- Returns:
data – Loaded data from asset
- Return type:
- keys()¶
List all files available to be loaded.
- Yields:
name (str) – Name of a file which can be accessed.
- namespaced(namespace: str) FilePathResolver ¶
Return a resolver which changes the root of the resolver by an added namespace.
- Parameters:
namespace (str) – Probably a subdirectory
- Returns:
resolver – Resolver with root directory changed.
- Return type:
- write(name: str, data: str | bytes)¶
Write an asset to a file path.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the file to write
data (str or bytes) – Data to write to the file
- class trimesh.resolvers.GithubResolver(repo: str, branch: str | None = None, commit: str | None = None, save: str | None = None)¶
- __init__(repo: str, branch: str | None = None, commit: str | None = None, save: str | None = None)¶
Get files from a remote Github repository by downloading a zip file with the entire branch or a specific commit.
- Parameters:
repo – In the format of owner/repo
branch – The remote branch you want to get files from.
commit – The full commit hash: pass either this OR branch.
save – A path if you want to save results locally.
- get(key)¶
- keys()¶
List the available files in the repository.
- Returns:
keys – Keys available to the resolved.
- Return type:
- namespaced(namespace)¶
Return a “sub-resolver” with a root namespace.
- Parameters:
namespace (str) – The root of the key to clip off, i.e. if this resolver has key a/b/c you can get ‘a/b/c’ with resolver.namespaced(‘a/b’).get(‘c’)
- Returns:
resolver – Namespaced resolver.
- Return type:
- write(name, data)¶
- property zipped: ZipResolver¶
opened zip file
locally saved zip file
retrieve zip file and saved
- class trimesh.resolvers.Resolver(*args, **kwargs)¶
The base class for resolvers.
- abstract __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- abstract get(key)¶
- abstract keys()¶
- abstract namespaced(namespace: str)¶
- abstract write(name: str, data)¶
- class trimesh.resolvers.WebResolver(url: str)¶
Resolve assets from a remote URL.
- __init__(url: str)¶
Resolve assets from a base URL.
- Parameters:
url (str) – Location where a mesh was stored or directory where mesh was stored
- get(name: str) bytes ¶
Get a resource from the remote site.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Asset name, i.e. ‘quadknot.obj.mtl’
- get_base() bytes ¶
Fetch the data at the full URL this resolver was instantiated with, i.e. this will return the response.
- Returns:
The value at self.url
- Return type:
- keys()¶
- namespaced(namespace: str) WebResolver ¶
Return a namespaced version of current resolver.
- Parameters:
namespace (str) – URL fragment
- Returns:
resolver – With sub-url:{namespace}
- Return type:
- write(key, value)¶
- class trimesh.resolvers.ZipResolver(archive: dict | None = None, namespace: str | None = None)¶
Resolve files inside a ZIP archive.
- __init__(archive: dict | None = None, namespace: str | None = None)¶
Resolve files inside a ZIP archive as loaded by trimesh.util.decompress
- Parameters:
archive (dict) – Contains resources as file object
namespace (None or str) – If passed will only show keys that start with this value and this substring must be removed for any get calls.
- export() bytes ¶
Export the contents of the current archive as a ZIP file.
- Returns:
compressed – Compressed data in ZIP format.
- Return type:
- get(name: str) bytes ¶
Get an asset from the ZIP archive.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the asset
- Returns:
data – Loaded data from asset
- Return type:
- keys()¶
Get the available keys in the current archive.
- Returns:
keys – Keys in the current archive.
- Return type:
- namespaced(namespace: str) ZipResolver ¶
Return a “sub-resolver” with a root namespace.
- Parameters:
namespace (str) – The root of the key to clip off, i.e. if this resolver has key a/b/c you can get ‘a/b/c’ with resolver.namespaced(‘a/b’).get(‘c’)
- Returns:
resolver – Namespaced resolver.
- Return type:
- write(key: str, value) None ¶
Store a value in the current archive.
- Parameters:
key (hashable) – Key to store data under.
value (str, bytes, file-like) – Value to store.
- trimesh.resolvers.nearby_names(name, namespace=None)¶
Try to find nearby variants of a specified name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Initial name.
- Yields:
nearby (str) – Name that is a lightly permutated version of the initial name.