Store visual materials as objects.
- class trimesh.visual.material.Material(*args, **kwargs)¶
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- copy()¶
- abstract property main_color¶
The “average” color of this material.
- Returns:
color – Average color of this material.
- Return type:
(4,) uint8
- property name¶
- class trimesh.visual.material.MultiMaterial(materials=None, **kwargs)¶
- __init__(materials=None, **kwargs)¶
Wrapper for a list of Materials.
- Parameters:
materials (Optional[List[Material]]) – List of materials with which the container to be initialized.
- add(material)¶
Adds new material to the container.
- Parameters:
material (Material) – The material to be added.
- get(idx)¶
Get material by index.
- Parameters:
idx (int) – Index of the material to be retrieved.
- Return type:
The material on the given index.
- property main_color¶
The “average” color of this material.
- Returns:
color – Average color of this material.
- Return type:
(4,) uint8
- to_pbr()¶
- class trimesh.visual.material.PBRMaterial(name=None, emissiveFactor=None, emissiveTexture=None, baseColorFactor=None, metallicFactor=None, roughnessFactor=None, normalTexture=None, occlusionTexture=None, baseColorTexture=None, metallicRoughnessTexture=None, doubleSided=False, alphaMode=None, alphaCutoff=None, **kwargs)¶
Create a material for physically based rendering as specified by GLTF 2.0:
Parameters with Texture in them must be PIL.Image objects
- __init__(name=None, emissiveFactor=None, emissiveTexture=None, baseColorFactor=None, metallicFactor=None, roughnessFactor=None, normalTexture=None, occlusionTexture=None, baseColorTexture=None, metallicRoughnessTexture=None, doubleSided=False, alphaMode=None, alphaCutoff=None, **kwargs)¶
- property alphaCutoff¶
Specifies the cutoff threshold when in MASK alpha mode. If the alpha value is greater than or equal to this value then it is rendered as fully opaque, otherwise, it is rendered as fully transparent. A value greater than 1.0 will render the entire material as fully transparent. This value MUST be ignored for other alpha modes. When alphaMode is not defined, this value MUST NOT be defined.
- Returns:
alphaCutoff – Value of cutoff.
- Return type:
- property alphaMode¶
The material alpha rendering mode enumeration specifying the interpretation of the alpha value of the base color.
- Returns:
alphaMode – One of ‘OPAQUE’, ‘MASK’, ‘BLEND’
- Return type:
- property baseColorFactor¶
The factors for the base color of the material. This value defines linear multipliers for the sampled texels of the base color texture.
- Returns:
color – RGBA color
- Return type:
(4,) uint8
- property baseColorTexture¶
The base color texture image.
- Returns:
image – Color texture.
- Return type:
- copy()¶
- property doubleSided¶
Specifies whether the material is double sided.
- Returns:
doubleSided – Specifies whether the material is double sided.
- Return type:
- property emissiveFactor¶
The factors for the emissive color of the material. This value defines linear multipliers for the sampled texels of the emissive texture.
- Returns:
emissiveFactor – Ech element in the array MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1.
- Return type:
(3,) float
- property emissiveTexture¶
The emissive texture.
- Returns:
image – Emissive texture.
- Return type:
- property main_color¶
The “average” color of this material.
- Returns:
color – Average color of this material.
- Return type:
(4,) uint8
- property metallicFactor¶
The factor for the metalness of the material. This value defines a linear multiplier for the sampled metalness values of the metallic-roughness texture.
- Returns:
metallicFactor – How metally is the material
- Return type:
- property metallicRoughnessTexture¶
The metallic-roughness texture.
- Returns:
image – Metallic-roughness texture.
- Return type:
- property name¶
- property normalTexture¶
The normal map texture.
- Returns:
image – Normal texture.
- Return type:
- property occlusionTexture¶
The occlusion texture.
- Returns:
image – Occlusion texture.
- Return type:
- property roughnessFactor¶
The factor for the roughness of the material. This value defines a linear multiplier for the sampled roughness values of the metallic-roughness texture.
- Returns:
roughnessFactor – Roughness of material.
- Return type:
- to_color(uv)¶
Get the rough color at a list of specified UV coordinates.
- Parameters:
uv ((n, 2) float) – UV coordinates on the material
- Return type:
- to_simple()¶
Get a copy of the current PBR material as a simple material.
- Returns:
simple – Contains material information in a simple manner
- Return type:
- class trimesh.visual.material.SimpleMaterial(image=None, diffuse=None, ambient=None, specular=None, glossiness=None, **kwargs)¶
Hold a single image texture.
- __init__(image=None, diffuse=None, ambient=None, specular=None, glossiness=None, **kwargs)¶
- property glossiness¶
- property main_color¶
Return the most prominent color.
- to_color(uv)¶
- to_obj(name=None)¶
Convert the current material to an OBJ format material.
- Parameters:
name (str or None) – Name to apply to the material
- Returns:
tex_name (str) – Name of material
mtl_name (str) – Name of mtl file in files
files (dict) – Data as {file name : bytes}
- to_pbr()¶
Convert the current simple material to a PBR material.
- Returns:
pbr – Contains material information in PBR format.
- Return type:
- trimesh.visual.material.color_image(color: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[uint8]] | None = None)¶
Generate an image with one color.
- Parameters:
color – Optional uint8 color
- Returns:
A (2, 2) RGBA image with the specified color.
- Return type:
- trimesh.visual.material.empty_material(color: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[uint8]] | None = None) SimpleMaterial ¶
Return an empty material set to a single color
- Parameters:
color (None or (3,) uint8) – RGB color
- Returns:
material – Image is a a four pixel RGB
- Return type:
- trimesh.visual.material.pack(materials, uvs, deduplicate=True, padding: int = 2, max_tex_size_individual=8192, max_tex_size_fused=8192)¶
Pack multiple materials with texture into a single material.
UV coordinates outside of the 0.0-1.0 range will be coerced into this range using a “wrap” behavior (i.e. modulus).
Alpha blending and backface culling settings are not supported! Returns a material with alpha values set, but alpha blending disabled.
- Parameters:
materials ((n,) Material) – List of multiple materials
uvs ((n, m, 2) float) – Original UV coordinates
padding (int) – Number of pixels to pad each image with.
max_tex_size_individual (int) – Maximum size of each individual texture.
max_tex_size_fused (int | None) – Maximum size of the combined texture. Individual texture size will be reduced to fit. Set to None to allow infinite size.
- Returns:
material (SimpleMaterial) – Combined material.
uv ((p, 2) float) – Combined UV coordinates in the 0.0-1.0 range.