Deal with (n, 2, 3) line segments.
- trimesh.path.segments.clean(segments: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes], digits: int = 10) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]] ¶
Clean up line segments by unioning the ranges of colinear segments.
- Parameters:
segments ((n, 2, 2) or (n, 2, 3)) – Line segments in space.
digits – How many digits to consider.
- Returns:
cleaned – Where m <= n
- Return type:
(m, 2, 2) or (m, 2, 3)
- trimesh.path.segments.colinear_pairs(segments, radius=0.01, angle=0.01, length=None)¶
Find pairs of segments which are colinear.
- Parameters:
segments ((n, 2, (2, 3)) float) – Two or three dimensional line segments
radius (float) – Maximum radius line origins can differ and be considered colinear
angle (float) – Maximum angle in radians segments can differ and still be considered colinear
length (None or float) – If specified, will additionally require that pairs have a vertex within this distance.
- Returns:
pairs – Indexes of segments which are colinear
- Return type:
(m, 2) int
- trimesh.path.segments.extrude(segments, height, double_sided=False)¶
Extrude 2D line segments into 3D triangles.
- Parameters:
segments ((n, 2, 2) float) – 2D line segments
height (float) – Distance to extrude along Z
double_sided (bool) – If true, return 4 triangles per segment
- Returns:
vertices ((n, 3) float) – Vertices in space
faces ((n, 3) int) – Indices of vertices forming triangles
- trimesh.path.segments.length(segments, summed=True)¶
Extrude 2D line segments into 3D triangles.
- Parameters:
segments ((n, 2, 2) float) – 2D line segments
height (float) – Distance to extrude along Z
double_sided (bool) – If true, return 4 triangles per segment
- Returns:
vertices ((n, 3) float) – Vertices in space
faces ((n, 3) int) – Indices of vertices forming triangles
- trimesh.path.segments.parameters_to_segments(origins: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]], vectors: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes], parameters: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]])¶
Convert a parametric line segment representation to a two point line segment representation
- Parameters:
origins ((n, 3) float) – Line origin point
vectors ((n, 3) float) – Unit line directions
parameters ((n, 2) float) – Start and end distance pairs for each line
- Returns:
segments – Line segments defined by start and end points
- Return type:
(n, 2, 3) float
- trimesh.path.segments.resample(segments, maxlen, return_index=False, return_count=False)¶
Resample line segments until no segment is longer than maxlen.
- Parameters:
segments ((n, 2, 2|3) float) – 2D line segments
maxlen (float) – The maximum length of a line segment
return_index (bool) – Return the index of the source segment
return_count (bool) – Return how many segments each original was split into
- Returns:
resampled ((m, 2, 2|3) float) – Line segments where no segment is longer than maxlen
index ((m,) int) – [OPTIONAL] The index of segments resampled came from
count ((n,) int) – [OPTIONAL] The count of the original segments
- trimesh.path.segments.segments_to_parameters(segments: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes])¶
For 3D line segments defined by two points, turn them in to an origin defined as the closest point along the line to the zero origin as well as a direction vector and start and end parameter.
- Parameters:
segments ((n, 2, 3) float) – Line segments defined by start and end points
- Returns:
origins ((n, 3) float) – Point on line closest to [0, 0, 0]
vectors ((n, 3) float) – Unit line directions
parameters ((n, 2) float) – Start and end distance pairs for each line
- trimesh.path.segments.split(segments, points, atol=1e-05)¶
Find any points that lie on a segment (not an endpoint) and then split that segment into two segments.
We are basically going to find the distance between point and both segment vertex, and see if it is with tolerance of the segment length.
- Parameters:
segments ((n, 2, (2, 3) float) – Line segments in space
points ((n, (2, 3)) float) – Points in space
atol (float) – Absolute tolerance for distances
- Returns:
split – Line segments in space, split at vertices
- Return type:
(n, 2, (3 | 3) float
- trimesh.path.segments.to_svg(segments, digits=4, matrix=None, merge=True)¶
Convert (n, 2, 2) line segments to an SVG path string.
- Parameters:
segments ((n, 2, 2) float) – Line segments to convert
digits (int) – Number of digits to include in SVG string
matrix (None or (3, 3) float) – Homogeneous 2D transformation to apply before export
- Returns:
path – SVG path string with one line per segment IE: ‘M 0.1 0.2 L 10 12’
- Return type:
- trimesh.path.segments.unique(segments, digits=5)¶
Find unique non-zero line segments.
- Parameters:
segments ((n, 2, (2|3)) float) – Line segments in space
digits (int) – How many digits to consider when merging vertices
- Returns:
unique – Segments with duplicates merged
- Return type:
(m, 2, (2|3)) float