Functions for dealing with triangle soups in (n, 3, 3) float form.
- class trimesh.triangles.MassProperties(density: float, mass: float, volume: float, center_mass: numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]], inertia: numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]] | None = None)¶
- __init__(density: float, mass: float, volume: float, center_mass: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]], inertia: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]] | None = None) None ¶
- density: float¶
- mass: float¶
- volume: float¶
- trimesh.triangles.all_coplanar(triangles)¶
Check to see if a list of triangles are all coplanar
- Parameters:
triangles ((n, 3, 3) float) – Vertices of triangles
- Returns:
all_coplanar – True if all triangles are coplanar
- Return type:
- trimesh.triangles.angles(triangles)¶
Calculates the angles of input triangles.
- Parameters:
triangles ((n, 3, 3) float) – Vertex positions
- Returns:
angles – Angles at vertex positions in radians Degenerate angles will be returned as zero
- Return type:
(n, 3) float
- trimesh.triangles.any_coplanar(triangles)¶
For a list of triangles if the FIRST triangle is coplanar with ANY of the following triangles, return True. Otherwise, return False.
- trimesh.triangles.area(triangles=None, crosses=None)¶
Calculates the sum area of input triangles
- Parameters:
triangles ((n, 3, 3) float) – Vertices of triangles
crosses ((n, 3) float or None) – As a speedup don’t re- compute cross products
sum (bool) – Return summed area or individual triangle area
- Returns:
area – Individual or summed area depending on sum argument
- Return type:
(n,) float or float
- trimesh.triangles.barycentric_to_points(triangles, barycentric)¶
Convert a list of barycentric coordinates on a list of triangles to cartesian points.
- Parameters:
triangles ((n, 3, 3) float) – Triangles in space
barycentric ((n, 2) float) – Barycentric coordinates
- Returns:
points – Points in space
- Return type:
(m, 3) float
- trimesh.triangles.bounds_tree(triangles)¶
Given a list of triangles, create an r-tree for broad- phase collision detection
- Parameters:
triangles ((n, 3, 3) float) – Triangles in space
- Returns:
tree – One node per triangle
- Return type:
- trimesh.triangles.closest_point(triangles, points)¶
Return the closest point on the surface of each triangle for a list of corresponding points.
Implements the method from “Real Time Collision Detection” and use the same variable names as “ClosestPtPointTriangle” to avoid being any more confusing.
- Parameters:
triangles ((n, 3, 3) float) – Triangle vertices in space
points ((n, 3) float) – Points in space
- Returns:
closest – Point on each triangle closest to each point
- Return type:
(n, 3) float
- trimesh.triangles.cross(triangles: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]]) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] ¶
Returns the cross product of two edges from input triangles
- Parameters:
triangles ((n, 3, 3) float) – Vertices of triangles
- Returns:
crosses – Cross product of two edge vectors
- Return type:
(n, 3) float
- trimesh.triangles.extents(triangles, areas=None)¶
Return the 2D bounding box size of each triangle.
- Parameters:
triangles ((n, 3, 3) float) – Triangles in space
areas ((n,) float) – Optional area of input triangles
- Returns:
box – The size of each triangle’s 2D oriented bounding box
- Return type:
(n, 2) float
- trimesh.triangles.mass_properties(triangles, crosses=None, density=None, center_mass=None, skip_inertia=False) MassProperties ¶
Calculate the mass properties of a group of triangles.
Implemented from:
- Parameters:
triangles ((n, 3, 3) float) – Triangle vertices in space
crosses ((n,) float) – Optional cross products of triangles
density (float) – Optional override for density
center_mass ((3,) float) – Optional override for center mass
skip_inertia (bool) – if True will not return moments matrix
- Returns:
info – Mass properties
- Return type:
- trimesh.triangles.nondegenerate(triangles, areas=None, height=None)¶
Find all triangles which have an oriented bounding box where both of the two sides is larger than a specified height.
Degenerate triangles can be when: 1) Two of the three vertices are colocated 2) All three vertices are unique but colinear
- Parameters:
triangles ((n, 3, 3) float) – Triangles in space
height (float) – Minimum edge length of a triangle to keep
- Returns:
nondegenerate – True if a triangle meets required minimum height
- Return type:
(n,) bool
- trimesh.triangles.normals(triangles=None, crosses=None)¶
Calculates the normals of input triangles
- Parameters:
triangles ((n, 3, 3) float) – Vertex positions
crosses ((n, 3) float) – Cross products of edge vectors
- Returns:
normals ((m, 3) float) – Normal vectors
valid ((n,) bool) – Was the face nonzero area or not
- trimesh.triangles.points_to_barycentric(triangles, points, method='cramer')¶
Find the barycentric coordinates of points relative to triangles.
- The Cramer’s rule solution implements:
- The cross product solution implements:
- Parameters:
triangles ((n, 3, 2 | 3) float) – Triangles vertices in space
points ((n, 2 | 3) float) – Point in space associated with a triangle
method (str) –
- Which method to compute the barycentric coordinates with:
- ’cross’: uses a method using cross products, roughly 2x slower but
different numerical robustness properties
anything else: uses a cramer’s rule solution
- Returns:
barycentric – Barycentric coordinates of each point
- Return type:
(n, 3) float
- trimesh.triangles.to_kwargs(triangles)¶
Convert a list of triangles to the kwargs for the Trimesh constructor.
- Parameters:
triangles ((n, 3, 3) float) – Triangles in space
- Returns:
kwargs – Keyword arguments for the trimesh.Trimesh constructor Includes keys ‘vertices’ and ‘faces’
- Return type:
>>> mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(**trimesh.triangles.to_kwargs(triangles))
- trimesh.triangles.windings_aligned(triangles, normals_compare)¶
Given a list of triangles and a list of normals determine if the two are aligned
- Parameters:
triangles ((n, 3, 3) float) – Vertex locations in space
normals_compare ((n, 3) float) – List of normals to compare
- Returns:
aligned – Are normals aligned with triangles
- Return type:
(n,) bool