- class trimesh.scene.scene.Scene(geometry: Geometry | Iterable[Geometry] | dict[str, Geometry] | Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None, base_frame: str = 'world', metadata: dict | None = None, graph: SceneGraph | None = None, camera: Camera | None = None, lights: Sequence[Light] | None = None, camera_transform: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] | None = None)¶
A simple scene graph which can be rendered directly via pyglet/openGL or through other endpoints such as a raytracer. Meshes are added by name, which can then be moved by updating transform in the transform tree.
- __init__(geometry: Geometry | Iterable[Geometry] | dict[str, Geometry] | Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None, base_frame: str = 'world', metadata: dict | None = None, graph: SceneGraph | None = None, camera: Camera | None = None, lights: Sequence[Light] | None = None, camera_transform: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] | None = None)¶
Create a new Scene object.
- Parameters:
geometry (Trimesh, Path2D, Path3D PointCloud or list) – Geometry to initially add to the scene
base_frame – Name of base frame
metadata – Any metadata about the scene
graph – A passed transform graph to use
camera (Camera or None) – A passed camera to use
lights ([] or None) – A passed lights to use
camera_transform – Homogeneous (4, 4) camera transform in the base frame
- add_geometry(geometry: Geometry | Iterable[Geometry] | dict[str, Geometry] | Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes], node_name: str | None = None, geom_name: str | None = None, parent_node_name: str | None = None, transform: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] | None = None, metadata: dict | None = None)¶
Add a geometry to the scene.
If the mesh has multiple transforms defined in its metadata, they will all be copied into the TransformForest of the current scene automatically.
- Parameters:
geometry (Trimesh, Path2D, Path3D PointCloud or list) – Geometry to initially add to the scene
node_name (None or str) – Name of the added node.
geom_name (None or str) – Name of the added geometry.
parent_node_name (None or str) – Name of the parent node in the graph.
transform (None or (4, 4) float) – Transform that applies to the added node.
metadata (None or dict) – Optional metadata for the node.
- Returns:
node_name – Name of single node in self.graph (passed in) or None if node was not added (eg. geometry was null or a Scene).
- Return type:
- apply_transform(transform)¶
Apply a transform to all children of the base frame without modifying any geometry.
- Parameters:
transform ((4, 4)) – Homogeneous transformation matrix.
- property area: float¶
What is the summed area of every geometry which has area.
- Returns:
area – Summed area of every instanced geometry
- Return type:
- property bounds: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]] | None¶
Return the overall bounding box of the scene.
- Returns:
bounds – Position of [min, max] bounding box Returns None if no valid bounds exist
- Return type:
(2, 3) float or None
- property bounds_corners: dict[str, ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]]]¶
Get the post-transform AABB for each node which has geometry defined.
- Returns:
- Bounds for each node with vertices:
{node_name : (2, 3) float}
- Return type:
- property camera: Camera¶
Get the single camera for the scene. If not manually set one will abe automatically generated.
- Returns:
camera – Camera object defined for the scene
- Return type:
- camera_rays() tuple[ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]], ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]], ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[int64]]] ¶
Calculate the trimesh.scene.Camera origin and ray direction vectors. Returns one ray per pixel as set in camera.resolution
- Returns:
origin ((n, 3) float) – Ray origins in space
vectors ((n, 3) float) – Ray direction unit vectors in world coordinates
pixels ((n, 2) int) – Which pixel does each ray correspond to in an image
- property camera_transform¶
Get camera transform in the base frame.
- Returns:
camera_transform – Camera transform in the base frame
- Return type:
(4, 4) float
- property center_mass: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]]¶
Find the center of mass for every instance in the scene.
- Returns:
center_mass – The center of mass of the scene
- Return type:
(3,) float
- property centroid: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]] | None¶
Return the center of the bounding box for the scene.
- Returns:
centroid – Point for center of bounding box
- Return type:
- convert_units(desired: str, guess: bool = False) Scene ¶
If geometry has units defined convert them to new units.
Returns a new scene with geometries and transforms scaled.
- Parameters:
desired (str) – Desired final unit system: ‘inches’, ‘mm’, etc.
guess (bool) – Is the converter allowed to guess scale when models don’t have it specified in their metadata.
- Returns:
scaled – Copy of scene with scaling applied and units set for every model
- Return type:
- property convex_hull¶
The convex hull of the whole scene.
- Returns:
hull – Trimesh object which is a convex hull of all meshes in scene
- Return type:
- copy() Scene ¶
Return a deep copy of the current scene
- Returns:
copied – Copy of the current scene
- Return type:
- delete_geometry(names: set | str | Sequence) None ¶
Delete one more multiple geometries from the scene and also remove any node in the transform graph which references it.
- Parameters:
name (hashable) – Name that references self.geometry
- dump(concatenate: bool = False) list[Geometry] ¶
Get a list of every geometry moved to its instance position, i.e. freezing or “baking” transforms.
- Parameters:
concatenate –
KWARG IS DEPRECATED FOR REMOVAL APRIL 2025 Concatenate results into single geometry. This keyword argument will make the type hint incorrect and you should replace Scene.dump(concatenate=True) with:
Scene.to_geometry() for a Trimesh, Path2D or Path3D
Scene.to_mesh() for only Trimesh components.
- Returns:
Copies of Scene.geometry transformed to their instance position.
- Return type:
- property duplicate_nodes: list[list[str]]¶
Return a sequence of node keys of identical meshes.
Will include meshes with different geometry but identical spatial hashes as well as meshes repeated by self.nodes.
- Returns:
Keys of self.graph that represent identical geometry
- Return type:
- explode(vector=None, origin=None) None ¶
Explode the current scene in-place around a point and vector.
- Parameters:
vector ((3,) float or float) – Explode radially around a direction vector or spherically
origin ((3,) float) – Point to explode around
- export(file_obj=None, file_type=None, **kwargs)¶
Export a snapshot of the current scene.
- Parameters:
file_obj (str, file-like, or None) – File object to export to
file_type (str or None) – What encoding to use for meshes IE: dict, dict64, stl
- Returns:
export – Only returned if file_obj is None
- Return type:
- property extents: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]] | None¶
Return the axis aligned box size of the current scene or None if the scene is empty.
- Returns:
Bounding box sides length or None for empty scene.
- Return type:
- property geometry_identifiers: dict[str, str]¶
Look up geometries by identifier hash.
- Returns:
{Identifier hash: key in self.geometry}
- Return type:
- property has_camera: bool¶
- property is_empty: bool¶
Does the scene have anything in it.
- Returns:
True if nothing is in the scene
- Return type:
- property is_valid: bool¶
Is every geometry connected to the root node.
- Returns:
is_valid – Does every geometry have a transform
- Return type:
- property lights: list[Light]¶
Get a list of the lights in the scene. If nothing is set it will generate some automatically.
- Returns:
lights – Lights in the scene.
- Return type:
- property moment_inertia¶
Return the moment of inertia of the current scene with respect to the center of mass of the current scene.
- Returns:
inertia – Inertia with respect to cartesian axis at scene.center_mass
- Return type:
(3, 3) float
- moment_inertia_frame(transform)¶
Return the moment of inertia of the current scene relative to a transform from the base frame.
Parameters transform : (4, 4) float
Homogeneous transformation matrix.
- Returns:
inertia – Inertia tensor at requested frame.
- Return type:
(3, 3) float
- reconstruct_instances(cost_threshold: float | floating = 1e-05) Scene ¶
If a scene has been “baked” with meshes it means that the duplicate nodes have corresponding vertices but are rigidly transformed to different places.
This means the problem of finding ab instance transform can use the procrustes analysis which is very fast relative to more complicated registration problems that require ICP and nearest-point-on-surface calculations.
TODO : construct a parent non-geometry node for containing every group.
- Parameters:
handle. (The scene to)
mean (The maximum value for procrustes cost which is "squared)
value (vertex distance between pair". If the fit is above this)
duplicate. (the instance will be left even if it is a)
- Returns:
A copy of the scene de-duplicated as much as possible.
- rezero() None ¶
Move the current scene so that the AABB of the whole scene is centered at the origin.
Does this by changing the base frame to a new, offset base frame.
- save_image(resolution=None, **kwargs) bytes ¶
Get a PNG image of a scene.
- Parameters:
resolution ((2,) int) – Resolution to render image
**kwargs – Passed to SceneViewer constructor
- Returns:
png – Render of scene as a PNG
- Return type:
- property scale: float¶
The approximate scale of the mesh
- Returns:
scale – The mean of the bounding box edge lengths
- Return type:
- scaled(scale: float | floating | Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes]) Scene ¶
Return a copy of the current scene, with meshes and scene transforms scaled to the requested factor.
- Parameters:
scale (float or (3,) float) – Factor to scale meshes and transforms
- Returns:
scaled – A copy of the current scene but scaled
- Return type:
- set_camera(angles=None, distance=None, center=None, resolution=None, fov=None) Camera ¶
Create a camera object for, and add a transform to self.graph for it.
If arguments are not passed sane defaults will be figured out which show the mesh roughly centered.
- Parameters:
angles ((3,) float) – Initial euler angles in radians
distance (float) – Distance from centroid
center ((3,) float) – Point camera should be center on
camera (Camera object) – Object that stores camera parameters
- show(viewer=None, **kwargs)¶
Display the current scene.
- Parameters:
viewer (Union[str, callable, None]) – What kind of viewer to use, such as ‘gl’ to open a pyglet window, ‘notebook’ for a jupyter notebook or None
kwargs (dict) – Includes smooth, which will turn on or off automatic smooth shading
- simplify_quadric_decimation(percent: float | floating | None = None, face_count: int | integer | unsignedinteger | None = None, aggression: int | integer | unsignedinteger | None = None) None ¶
Apply in-place mesh.simplify_quadric_decimation to any meshes in the scene.
- Parameters:
percent – A number between 0.0 and 1.0 for how much
face_count – Target number of faces desired in the resulting mesh.
aggression – An integer between 0 and 10, the scale being roughly 0 is “slow and good” and 10 being “fast and bad.”
- strip_visuals() None ¶
Strip visuals from every Trimesh geometry and set them to an empty ColorVisuals.
- subscene(node: str) Scene ¶
Get part of a scene that succeeds a specified node.
- Parameters:
node – Hashable key in scene.graph
- Returns:
Partial scene generated from current.
- Return type:
- to_geometry() Geometry ¶
Concatenate geometry in the scene into a single like-typed geometry, applying the transforms and “baking” the result. May drop geometry if the scene has mixed geometry.
- Returns:
Either a Trimesh, Path2D, or Path3D depending on what is in the scene.
- Return type:
- to_mesh() trimesh.Trimesh ¶
Concatenate every mesh instances in the scene into a single mesh, applying transforms and “baking” the result. Will drop any geometry in the scene that is not a Trimesh object.
- Returns:
All meshes in the scene concatenated into one.
- Return type:
- property triangles: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]]¶
Return a correctly transformed polygon soup of the current scene.
- Returns:
triangles – Triangles in space
- Return type:
(n, 3, 3) float
- property triangles_node¶
Which node of self.graph does each triangle come from.
- Returns:
triangles_index – Node name for each triangle
- Return type:
- property units: str | None¶
Get the units for every model in the scene. If the scene has mixed units or no units this will return None.
- Returns:
Units for every model in the scene or None if there are no units or mixed units
- Return type:
- trimesh.scene.scene.append_scenes(iterable, common=None, base_frame='world')¶
Concatenate multiple scene objects into one scene.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
result – Scene containing all geometry
- Return type:
- trimesh.scene.scene.reconstruct_instances(scene: Scene, cost_threshold: float | floating = 1e-06) Scene ¶
If a scene has been “baked” with meshes it means that the duplicate nodes have corresponding vertices but are rigidly transformed to different places.
This means the problem of finding ab instance transform can use the procrustes analysis which is very fast relative to more complicated registration problems that require ICP and nearest-point-on-surface calculations.
TODO : construct a parent non-geometry node for containing every group.
- Parameters:
scene – The scene to handle.
cost_threshold – The maximum value for procrustes cost which is “squared mean vertex distance between pair”. If the fit is above this value the instance will be left even if it is a duplicate.
- Returns:
A copy of the scene de-duplicated as much as possible.
- Return type:
- trimesh.scene.scene.split_scene(geometry, **kwargs)¶
Given a geometry, list of geometries, or a Scene return them as a single Scene object.
- Parameters:
geometry (splittable)
- Returns:
- Return type: