A module designed to work with vector paths such as those stored in a DXF or SVG file.
- class trimesh.path.path.Path(entities: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | Iterable[Entity] | None = None, vertices: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None, metadata: Mapping | None = None, process: bool = True, colors: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None, vertex_attributes: Mapping | None = None, **kwargs)¶
A Path object consists of vertices and entities. Vertices are a simple (n, dimension) float array of points in space.
Entities are a list of objects representing geometric primitives, such as Lines, Arcs, BSpline, etc. All entities reference vertices by index, so any transform applied to the simple vertex array is applied to the entity.
- __init__(entities: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | Iterable[Entity] | None = None, vertices: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None, metadata: Mapping | None = None, process: bool = True, colors: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None, vertex_attributes: Mapping | None = None, **kwargs)¶
Instantiate a path object.
- Parameters:
entities ((m,) trimesh.path.entities.Entity) – Contains geometric entities
vertices ((n, dimension) float) – The vertices referenced by entities
metadata (dict) – Any metadata about the path
process (bool) – Run simple cleanup or not
colors – Set any per-entity colors.
vertex_attributes – Set any per-vertex array data.
- apply_layer(name)¶
Apply a layer name to every entity in the path.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Apply layer name to every entity
- apply_transform(transform)¶
Apply a transformation matrix to the current path in- place
- Parameters:
transform ((d+1, d+1) float) – Homogeneous transformations for vertices
- property bounds¶
Return the axis aligned bounding box of the current path.
- Returns:
bounds – AABB with (min, max) coordinates
- Return type:
(2, dimension) float
- property centroid¶
Return the centroid of axis aligned bounding box enclosing all entities of the path object.
- Returns:
centroid – Approximate centroid of the path
- Return type:
(d,) float
- property colors: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] | None¶
Colors are stored per-entity.
- Returns:
colors – RGBA colors for each entity
- Return type:
(len(entities), 4) uint8
- convert_units(desired: str, guess: bool = False)¶
Convert the units of the current drawing in place.
- Parameters:
desired (str) – Unit system to convert to
guess (bool) – If True will attempt to guess units
- copy()¶
Get a copy of the current mesh
- Returns:
copied – Copy of self
- Return type:
Path object
- property dangling¶
List of entities that aren’t included in a closed path
- Returns:
dangling – Index of self.entities
- Return type:
(n,) int
- property discrete: list[ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]]]¶
A sequence of connected vertices in space, corresponding to self.paths.
- Returns:
discrete – A sequence of (m*, dimension) float
- Return type:
- property entities¶
The actual entities making up the path.
- Returns:
entities – Entities such as Line, Arc, or BSpline curves
- Return type:
- explode()¶
Turn every multi- segment entity into single segment entities in- place.
- export(file_obj=None, file_type=None, **kwargs)¶
Export the path to a file object or return data.
- Parameters:
file_obj (None, str, or file object) – File object or string to export to
file_type (None or str) – Type of file: dxf, dict, svg
- Returns:
exported – Exported as specified type
- Return type:
bytes or str
- property extents¶
The size of the axis aligned bounding box.
- Returns:
extents – Edge length of AABB
- Return type:
(dimension,) float
- fill_gaps(distance=0.025)¶
Find vertices without degree 2 and try to connect to other vertices. Operations are done in-place.
- Parameters:
distance (float) – Connect vertices up to this distance
- property is_closed¶
Are all entities connected to other entities.
- Returns:
closed – Every entity is connected at its ends
- Return type:
- property is_empty¶
Are any entities defined for the current path.
- Returns:
empty – True if no entities are defined
- Return type:
- property kdtree¶
A KDTree object holding the vertices of the path.
- Returns:
kdtree – Object holding self.vertices
- Return type:
- property layers¶
Get a list of the layer for every entity.
- Returns:
layers – Whatever is stored in each entity.layer
- Return type:
(len(entities), ) any
- property length¶
The total discretized length of every entity.
- Returns:
length – Summed length of every entity
- Return type:
- merge_vertices(digits=None)¶
Merges vertices which are identical and replace references by altering self.entities and self.vertices
- Parameters:
digits (None, or int) – How many digits to consider when merging vertices
- property paths¶
Sequence of closed paths, encoded by entity index.
- Returns:
paths – Referencing self.entities
- Return type:
(n,) sequence of (*,) int
- process()¶
Apply basic cleaning functions to the Path object in-place.
- property referenced_vertices¶
Which vertices are referenced by an entity.
- Returns:
- Return type:
(n,) int, indexes of self.vertices
- remove_duplicate_entities()¶
Remove entities that are duplicated
self.entities: length same or shorter
- remove_entities(entity_ids)¶
Remove entities by index.
- Parameters:
entity_ids ((n,) int) – Indexes of self.entities to remove
- remove_invalid()¶
Remove entities which declare themselves invalid
self.entities: shortened
- remove_unreferenced_vertices()¶
Removes all vertices which aren’t used by an entity.
self.vertices : reordered and shortened self.entities : entity.points references updated
- replace_vertex_references(mask)¶
Replace the vertex index references in every entity.
- Parameters:
mask ((len(self.vertices), ) int) – Contains new vertex indexes
- entity.points in self.entities
Replaced by mask[entity.points]
- rezero()¶
Translate so that every vertex is positive in the current mesh is positive.
- Returns:
matrix – Homogeneous transformations that was applied to the current Path object.
- Return type:
(dimension + 1, dimension + 1) float
- scene()¶
Get a scene object containing the current Path3D object.
- Returns:
- Return type:
trimesh.scene.Scene object containing current path
- to_dict()¶
- property vertex_graph¶
Return a networkx.Graph object for the entity connectivity
- graphnetworkx.Graph
Holds vertex indexes
- property vertex_nodes¶
Get a list of which vertex indices are nodes, which are either endpoints or points where the entity makes a direction change.
- Returns:
nodes – Indexes of self.vertices which are nodes
- Return type:
(n, 2) int
- class trimesh.path.path.Path2D(entities: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | Iterable[Entity] | None = None, vertices: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None, metadata: Mapping | None = None, process: bool = True, colors: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None, vertex_attributes: Mapping | None = None, **kwargs)¶
Hold multiple vector curves (lines, arcs, splines, etc) in 3D.
- apply_obb()¶
Transform the current path so that its OBB is axis aligned and OBB center is at the origin.
- Returns:
obb – Homogeneous transformation matrix
- Return type:
(3, 3) float
- apply_scale(scale)¶
Apply a 2D scale to the current Path2D.
- Parameters:
scale (float or (2,) float) – Scale to apply in-place.
- property area¶
Return the area of the polygons interior.
- Returns:
area – Total area of polygons minus interiors
- Return type:
- property body_count¶
Returns a count of the number of unconnected polygons that may contain other curves but aren’t contained themselves.
- Returns:
body_count – Number of unconnected independent polygons.
- Return type:
- connected_paths(path_id, include_self=False)¶
Given an index of self.paths find other paths which overlap with that path.
- Parameters:
path_id (int) – Index of self.paths
include_self (bool) – Should the result include path_id or not
- Returns:
path_ids – Indexes of self.paths that overlap input path_id
- Return type:
(n, ) int
- property enclosure¶
Undirected graph object of polygon enclosure.
- Returns:
enclosure – Enclosure graph of self.polygons by index.
- Return type:
- property enclosure_directed¶
Directed graph of polygon enclosure.
- Returns:
enclosure_directed – Directed graph: child nodes are fully contained by their parent node.
- Return type:
- property enclosure_shell¶
A dictionary of path indexes which are ‘shell’ paths, and values of ‘hole’ paths.
- Returns:
corresponding – {index of self.paths of shell : [indexes of holes]}
- Return type:
- extrude(height, **kwargs)¶
Extrude the current 2D path into a 3D mesh.
- Parameters:
height (float, how far to extrude the profile)
kwargs (passed directly to –
verbose=False, refinement_func=None, attributes=False, volume_constraints=True, max_volume=None, allow_boundary_steiner=True, allow_volume_steiner=True, quality_meshing=True, generate_edges=None, generate_faces=False, min_angle=None)
- Returns:
- Return type:
trimesh object representing extruded polygon
- property identifier¶
A unique identifier for the path.
- Returns:
identifier – Unique identifier
- Return type:
(5,) float
- property identifier_hash¶
Return a hash of the identifier.
- Returns:
hashed – SHA256 hash of the identifier vector.
- Return type:
(64,) str
- medial_axis(resolution=None, clip=None)¶
Find the approximate medial axis based on a voronoi diagram of evenly spaced points on the boundary of the polygon.
- Parameters:
resolution (None or float) – Distance between each sample on the polygon boundary
clip (None, or (2,) float) – Min, max number of samples
- Returns:
medial – Contains only medial axis of Path
- Return type:
Path2D object
- property obb¶
Get a transform that centers and aligns the OBB of the referenced vertices with the XY axis.
- Returns:
obb – Homogeneous transformation matrix
- Return type:
(3, 3) float
- property path_valid¶
- returns: path_valid – Indexes of self.paths self.polygons_closed
which are valid polygons.
- Return type:
(n,) bool
- plot_discrete(show=False, annotations=True)¶
Plot the closed curves of the path.
- plot_entities(show=False, annotations=True, color=None)¶
Plot the entities of the path with no notion of topology.
- Parameters:
show (bool) – Open a window immediately or not
annotations (bool) – Call an entities custom plot function.
color (str) – Override entity colors and make them all this color.
- property polygons_closed: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]]¶
Cycles in the vertex graph, as shapely.geometry.Polygons. These are polygon objects for every closed circuit, with no notion of whether a polygon is a hole or an area. Every polygon in this list will have an exterior, but NO interiors.
- Returns:
- Return type:
(n,) list of shapely.geometry.Polygon objects
- property polygons_full: list¶
A list of shapely.geometry.Polygon objects with interiors created by checking which closed polygons enclose which other polygons.
- Returns:
full – Polygons containing interiors
- Return type:
(len(self.root),) shapely.geometry.Polygon
- rasterize(pitch=None, origin=None, resolution=None, fill=True, width=None, **kwargs)¶
Rasterize a Path2D object into a boolean image (“mode 1”).
- Parameters:
pitch (float or (2,) float) – Length(s) in model space of pixel edges
origin ((2,) float) – Origin position in model space
resolution ((2,) int) – Resolution in pixel space
fill (bool) – If True will return closed regions as filled
width (int) – If not None will draw outline this wide (pixels)
- Returns:
raster – Rasterized version of closed regions.
- Return type:
PIL.Image object, mode 1
- property root¶
Which indexes of self.paths/self.polygons_closed are root curves, also known as ‘shell’ or ‘exterior.
- Returns:
root – List of indexes
- Return type:
(n,) int
- sample(count, **kwargs)¶
Use rejection sampling to generate random points inside a polygon.
- Parameters:
count (int) – Number of points to return If there are multiple bodies, there will be up to count * bodies points returned
factor (float) – How many points to test per loop IE, count * factor
max_iter (int,) – Maximum number of intersection loops to run, total points sampled is count * factor * max_iter
- Returns:
hit – Random points inside polygon
- Return type:
(n, 2) float
- show(annotations=True)¶
Plot the current Path2D object using matplotlib.
- simplify(**kwargs)¶
Return a version of the current path with colinear segments merged, and circles entities replacing segmented circular paths.
- Returns:
- Return type:
Path2D object
- simplify_spline(smooth=0.0002, verbose=False)¶
Convert paths into b-splines.
- Parameters:
smooth (float) – How much the spline should smooth the curve
verbose (bool) – Print detailed log messages
- Returns:
simplified – Discrete curves replaced with splines
- Return type:
- split(**kwargs)¶
If the current Path2D consists of n ‘root’ curves, split them into a list of n Path2D objects
- Returns:
split – Each connected region and interiors
- Return type:
(n,) list of Path2D objects
- to_3D(transform=None)¶
Convert 2D path to 3D path on the XY plane.
- Parameters:
transform ((4, 4) float) – If passed, will transform vertices. If not passed and ‘to_3D’ is in self.metadata that transform will be used.
- Returns:
path_3D – 3D version of current path
- Return type:
- triangulate(**kwargs)¶
Create a region- aware triangulation of the 2D path.
- Parameters:
**kwargs (dict) – Passed to trimesh.creation.triangulate_polygon
- Returns:
vertices ((n, 2) float) – 2D vertices of triangulation
faces ((n, 3) int) – Indexes of vertices for triangles
- class trimesh.path.path.Path3D(entities: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | Iterable[Entity] | None = None, vertices: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None, metadata: Mapping | None = None, process: bool = True, colors: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None, vertex_attributes: Mapping | None = None, **kwargs)¶
Hold multiple vector curves (lines, arcs, splines, etc) in 3D.
- show(**kwargs)¶
Show the current Path3D object.
- to_2D(to_2D: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None, normal: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None, check: bool = True) tuple[Path2D, ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]]] ¶
Check to see if current vectors are all coplanar.
If they are, return a Path2D and a transform which will transform the 2D representation back into 3 dimensions
- Parameters:
to_2D ((4, 4) float) – Homogeneous transformation matrix to apply, if not passed a plane will be fitted to vertices.
normal ((3,) float or None) – Normal of direction of plane to use.
check – Raise a ValueError if points aren’t coplanar.
- Returns:
planar – Current path transformed onto plane
to_3D ((4, 4) float) – Homeogenous transformations to move planar back into the original 3D frame.
- to_planar(*args, **kwargs)¶
DEPRECATED: replace path.to_planar->`path.to_2D), removal 1/1/2026