Primarily mesh-plane intersections (slicing).
- trimesh.intersections.mesh_multiplane(mesh, plane_origin, plane_normal, heights)¶
A utility function for slicing a mesh by multiple parallel planes which caches the dot product operation.
- Parameters:
mesh (trimesh.Trimesh) – Geometry to be sliced by planes
plane_origin ((3,) float) – Point on a plane
plane_normal ((3,) float) – Normal vector of plane
heights ((m,) float) – Offset distances from plane to slice at: at height=0 it will be exactly on the passed plane.
- Returns:
lines ((m,) sequence of (n, 2, 2) float) – Lines in space for m planes
to_3D ((m, 4, 4) float) – Transform to move each section back to 3D
face_index ((m,) sequence of (n,) int) – Indexes of mesh.faces for each segment
- trimesh.intersections.mesh_plane(mesh, plane_normal, plane_origin, return_faces=False, local_faces=None, cached_dots=None)¶
Find a the intersections between a mesh and a plane, returning a set of line segments on that plane.
- Parameters:
mesh (Trimesh object) – Source mesh to slice
plane_normal ((3,) float) – Normal vector of plane to intersect with mesh
plane_origin ((3,) float) – Point on plane to intersect with mesh
return_faces (bool) – If True return face index each line is from
local_faces (None or (m,) int) – Limit section to just these faces.
cached_dots ((n, 3) float) – If an external function has stored dot products pass them here to avoid recomputing.
- Returns:
lines ((m, 2, 3) float) – List of 3D line segments in space.
face_index ((m,) int) – Index of mesh.faces for each line Only returned if return_faces was True
- trimesh.intersections.plane_lines(plane_origin, plane_normal, endpoints, line_segments=True)¶
Calculate plane-line intersections
- Parameters:
plane_origin ((3,) float) – Point on plane
plane_normal ((3,) float) – Plane normal vector
endpoints ((2, n, 3) float) – Points defining lines to be tested
line_segments (bool) – If True, only returns intersections as valid if vertices from endpoints are on different sides of the plane.
- Returns:
intersections ((m, 3) float) – Cartesian intersection points
valid ((n, 3) bool) – Indicate whether a valid intersection exists for each input line segment
- trimesh.intersections.planes_lines(plane_origins, plane_normals, line_origins, line_directions, return_distance=False, return_denom=False)¶
Given one line per plane find the intersection points.
- Parameters:
plane_origins ((n,3) float) – Point on each plane
plane_normals ((n,3) float) – Normal vector of each plane
line_origins ((n,3) float) – Point at origin of each line
line_directions ((n,3) float) – Direction vector of each line
return_distance (bool) – Return distance from origin to point also
return_denom (bool) – Return denominator, so you can check for small values
- Returns:
on_plane ((n,3) float) – Points on specified planes
valid ((n,) bool) – Did plane intersect line or not
distance ((n,) float) – [OPTIONAL] Distance from point
denom ((n,) float) – [OPTIONAL] Denominator
- trimesh.intersections.slice_faces_plane(vertices, faces, plane_normal, plane_origin, uv=None, face_index=None, cached_dots=None)¶
Slice a mesh (given as a set of faces and vertices) with a plane, returning a new mesh (again as a set of faces and vertices) that is the portion of the original mesh to the positive normal side of the plane.
- Parameters:
vertices ((n, 3) float) – Vertices of source mesh to slice
faces ((n, 3) int) – Faces of source mesh to slice
plane_normal ((3,) float) – Normal vector of plane to intersect with mesh
plane_origin ((3,) float) – Point on plane to intersect with mesh
uv ((n, 2) float, optional) – UV coordinates of source mesh to slice
face_index (((m,) int)) – Indexes of faces to slice. When no mask is provided, the default is to slice all faces.
cached_dots ((n, 3) float) – If an external function has stored dot products pass them here to avoid recomputing
- Returns:
new_vertices ((n, 3) float) – Vertices of sliced mesh
new_faces ((n, 3) int) – Faces of sliced mesh
new_uv ((n, 2) int or None) – UV coordinates of sliced mesh
- trimesh.intersections.slice_mesh_plane(mesh, plane_normal, plane_origin, face_index=None, cap=False, engine=None, **kwargs)¶
Slice a mesh with a plane returning a new mesh that is the portion of the original mesh to the positive normal side of the plane.
- Parameters:
mesh (Trimesh object) – Source mesh to slice
plane_normal ((3,) float) – Normal vector of plane to intersect with mesh
plane_origin ((3,) float) – Point on plane to intersect with mesh
cap (bool) – If True, cap the result with a triangulated polygon
face_index (((m,) int)) – Indexes of mesh.faces to slice. When no mask is provided, the default is to slice all faces.
cached_dots ((n, 3) float) – If an external function has stored dot products pass them here to avoid recomputing
engine (None or str) – Triangulation engine passed to triangulate_polygon
kwargs (dict) – Passed to the newly created sliced mesh
- Returns:
new_mesh – Sliced mesh
- Return type:
Trimesh object