- class trimesh.collision.CollisionManager¶
A mesh-mesh collision manager.
- __init__()¶
Initialize a mesh-mesh collision manager.
- add_object(name, mesh, transform=None)¶
Add an object to the collision manager.
If an object with the given name is already in the manager, replace it.
- Parameters:
name (str) – An identifier for the object
mesh (Trimesh object) – The geometry of the collision object
transform ((4,4) float) – Homogeneous transform matrix for the object
- in_collision_internal(return_names=False, return_data=False)¶
Check if any pair of objects in the manager collide with one another.
- Parameters:
return_names (bool) – If true, a set is returned containing the names of all pairs of objects in collision.
return_data (bool) – If true, a list of ContactData is returned as well
- Returns:
is_collision (bool) – True if a collision occurred between any pair of objects and False otherwise
names (set of 2-tup) – The set of pairwise collisions. Each tuple contains two names in alphabetical order indicating that the two corresponding objects are in collision.
contacts (list of ContactData) – All contacts detected
- in_collision_other(other_manager, return_names=False, return_data=False)¶
Check if any object from this manager collides with any object from another manager.
- Parameters:
other_manager (CollisionManager) – Another collision manager object
return_names (bool) – If true, a set is returned containing the names of all pairs of objects in collision.
return_data (bool) – If true, a list of ContactData is returned as well
- Returns:
is_collision (bool) – True if a collision occurred between any pair of objects and False otherwise
names (set of 2-tup) – The set of pairwise collisions. Each tuple contains two names (first from this manager, second from the other_manager) indicating that the two corresponding objects are in collision.
contacts (list of ContactData) – All contacts detected
- in_collision_single(mesh, transform=None, return_names=False, return_data=False)¶
Check a single object for collisions against all objects in the manager.
- Parameters:
mesh (Trimesh object) – The geometry of the collision object
transform ((4,4) float) – Homogeneous transform matrix
return_names (bool) – If true, a set is returned containing the names of all objects in collision with the object
return_data (bool) – If true, a list of ContactData is returned as well
- Returns:
is_collision (bool) – True if a collision occurs and False otherwise
names (set of str) – [OPTIONAL] The set of names of objects that collided with the provided one
contacts (list of ContactData) – [OPTIONAL] All contacts detected
- min_distance_internal(return_names=False, return_data=False)¶
Get the minimum distance between any pair of objects in the manager.
- Parameters:
return_names (bool) – If true, a 2-tuple is returned containing the names of the closest objects.
return_data (bool) – If true, a DistanceData object is returned as well
- Returns:
distance (float) – Min distance between any two managed objects
names ((2,) str) – The names of the closest objects
data (DistanceData) – Extra data about the distance query
- min_distance_other(other_manager, return_names=False, return_data=False)¶
Get the minimum distance between any pair of objects, one in each manager.
- Parameters:
other_manager (CollisionManager) – Another collision manager object
return_names (bool) – If true, a 2-tuple is returned containing the names of the closest objects.
return_data (bool) – If true, a DistanceData object is returned as well
- Returns:
distance (float) – The min distance between a pair of objects, one from each manager.
names (2-tup of str) – A 2-tuple containing two names (first from this manager, second from the other_manager) indicating the two closest objects.
data (DistanceData) – Extra data about the distance query
- min_distance_single(mesh, transform=None, return_name=False, return_data=False)¶
Get the minimum distance between a single object and any object in the manager.
- Parameters:
mesh (Trimesh object) – The geometry of the collision object
transform ((4,4) float) – Homogeneous transform matrix for the object
return_names (bool) – If true, return name of the closest object
return_data (bool) – If true, a DistanceData object is returned as well
- Returns:
distance (float) – Min distance between mesh and any object in the manager
name (str) – The name of the object in the manager that was closest
data (DistanceData) – Extra data about the distance query
- remove_object(name)¶
Delete an object from the collision manager.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The identifier for the object
- set_transform(name, transform)¶
Set the transform for one of the manager’s objects. This replaces the prior transform.
- Parameters:
name (str) – An identifier for the object already in the manager
transform ((4,4) float) – A new homogeneous transform matrix for the object
- class trimesh.collision.ContactData(names, contact)¶
Data structure for holding information about a collision contact.
- __init__(names, contact)¶
Initialize a ContactData.
- Parameters:
names (list of str) – The names of the two objects in order.
contact (fcl.Contact) – The contact in question.
- property depth¶
The penetration depth of the 3D point of intersection for this contact.
- Returns:
depth – The penetration depth.
- Return type:
- index(name)¶
Returns the index of the face in contact for the mesh with the given name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the target object.
- Returns:
index – The index of the face in collision
- Return type:
- property normal¶
The 3D intersection normal for this contact.
- Returns:
normal – The intersection normal.
- Return type:
(3,) float
- property point¶
The 3D point of intersection for this contact.
- Returns:
point – The intersection point.
- Return type:
(3,) float
- class trimesh.collision.DistanceData(names, result)¶
Data structure for holding information about a distance query.
- __init__(names, result)¶
Initialize a DistanceData.
- Parameters:
names (list of str) – The names of the two objects in order.
contact (fcl.DistanceResult) – The distance query result.
- property distance¶
Returns the distance between the two objects.
- Returns:
distance – The euclidean distance between the objects.
- Return type:
- index(name)¶
Returns the index of the closest face for the mesh with the given name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the target object.
- Returns:
index – The index of the face in collisoin.
- Return type:
- point(name)¶
The 3D point of closest distance on the mesh with the given name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the target object.
- Returns:
point – The closest point.
- Return type:
(3,) float
- trimesh.collision.mesh_to_BVH(mesh)¶
Create a BVHModel object from a Trimesh object
- Parameters:
mesh (Trimesh) – Input geometry
- Returns:
bvh – BVH of input geometry
- Return type:
- trimesh.collision.mesh_to_convex(mesh)¶
Create a Convex object from a Trimesh object
- Parameters:
mesh (Trimesh) – Input geometry
- Returns:
convex – Convex of input geometry
- Return type:
- trimesh.collision.scene_to_collision(scene)¶
Create collision objects from a trimesh.Scene object.
- Parameters:
scene (trimesh.Scene) – Scene to create collision objects for
- Returns:
manager (CollisionManager) – CollisionManager for objects in scene
objects ({node name: CollisionObject}) – Collision objects for nodes in scene