trimesh.primitives module

Subclasses of Trimesh objects that are parameterized as primitives.

Useful because you can move boxes and spheres around and then use trimesh operations on them at any point.

class trimesh.primitives.Box(extents=None, transform=None, bounds=None, mutable=True)

Bases: Primitive

__init__(extents=None, transform=None, bounds=None, mutable=True)

Create a Box Primitive as a subclass of Trimesh

  • extents (Optional[ndarray] (3,) float) – Length of each side of the 3D box.

  • transform (Optional[ndarray] (4, 4) float) – Homogeneous transformation matrix for box center.

  • bounds (Optional[ndarray] (2, 3) float) – Axis aligned bounding box, if passed extents and transform will be derived from this.

  • mutable (bool) – Are extents and transform mutable after creation.


Return a Path3D containing the outline of the box.


outline – Outline of box primitive

Return type:


property is_oriented

Returns whether or not the current box is rotated at all.

sample_grid(count=None, step=None)

Return a 3D grid which is contained by the box. Samples are either ‘step’ distance apart, or there are ‘count’ samples per box side.

  • count (int or (3,) int) – If specified samples are spaced with np.linspace

  • step (float or (3,) float) – If specified samples are spaced with np.arange


grid – Points inside the box

Return type:

(n, 3) float


Return random samples from inside the volume of the box.


count (int) – Number of samples to return


samples – Points inside the volume

Return type:

(count, 3) float


Get a copy of the current Box primitive as a JSON-serializable dict that matches the schema in trimesh/resources/schema/box.schema.json


as_dict – Serializable data for this primitive.

Return type:


property transform

The transform of the Primitive object.


transform – Homogeneous transformation matrix

Return type:

(4, 4) float

property volume

Volume of the box Primitive.


volume – Volume of box.

Return type:


class trimesh.primitives.Capsule(radius=1.0, height=10.0, transform=None, sections=32, mutable=True)

Bases: Primitive

__init__(radius=1.0, height=10.0, transform=None, sections=32, mutable=True)

Create a Capsule Primitive, a subclass of Trimesh.

  • radius (float) – Radius of cylinder

  • height (float) – Height of cylinder

  • transform ((4, 4) float) – Transformation matrix

  • sections (int) – Number of facets in circle

  • mutable (bool) – Are extents and transform mutable after creation.

property direction

The direction of the capsule’s axis.


axis – Vector along the cylinder axis

Return type:

(3,) float


Get a copy of the current Capsule primitive as a JSON-serializable dict that matches the schema in trimesh/resources/schema/capsule.schema.json


as_dict – Serializable data for this primitive.

Return type:


property transform

The transform of the Primitive object.


transform – Homogeneous transformation matrix

Return type:

(4, 4) float

class trimesh.primitives.Cylinder(radius=1.0, height=1.0, transform=None, sections=32, mutable=True)

Bases: Primitive

__init__(radius=1.0, height=1.0, transform=None, sections=32, mutable=True)

Create a Cylinder Primitive, a subclass of Trimesh.

  • radius (float) – Radius of cylinder

  • height (float) – Height of cylinder

  • transform ((4, 4) float) – Homogeneous transformation matrix

  • sections (int) – Number of facets in circle.

  • mutable (bool) – Are extents and transform mutable after creation.


Return a cylinder primitive which covers the source cylinder by distance: radius is inflated by distance height by twice the distance.


distance (float) – Distance to inflate cylinder radius and height


buffered – Cylinder primitive inflated by distance

Return type:


property direction

The direction of the cylinder’s axis.



Return type:

(3,) float, vector along the cylinder axis

property moment_inertia

The analytic inertia tensor of the cylinder primitive.


tensor – 3D inertia tensor

Return type:

(3, 3) float

property segment

A line segment which if inflated by cylinder radius would represent the cylinder primitive.


segment – Points representing a single line segment

Return type:

(2, 3) float


Get a copy of the current Cylinder primitive as a JSON-serializable dict that matches the schema in trimesh/resources/schema/cylinder.schema.json


as_dict – Serializable data for this primitive.

Return type:


property volume

The analytic volume of the cylinder primitive.


volume – Volume of the cylinder

Return type:


class trimesh.primitives.Extrusion(polygon=None, transform=None, height=1.0, mutable=True)

Bases: Primitive

__init__(polygon=None, transform=None, height=1.0, mutable=True)

Create an Extrusion primitive, which is a subclass of Trimesh.

  • polygon (shapely.geometry.Polygon) – Polygon to extrude

  • transform ((4, 4) float) – Transform to apply after extrusion

  • height (float) – Height to extrude polygon by

  • mutable (bool) – Are extents and transform mutable after creation.

property area

The surface area of the primitive extrusion.

Calculated from polygon and height to avoid mesh creation.


area – Surface area of 3D extrusion

Return type:


property bounding_box_oriented

An oriented bounding box for the current mesh.


obb – Box object with transform and extents defined representing the minimum volume oriented bounding box of the mesh

Return type:


buffer(distance, distance_height=None, **kwargs)

Return a new Extrusion object which is expanded in profile and in height by a specified distance.

  • distance (float) – Distance to buffer polygon

  • distance_height (float) – Distance to buffer above and below extrusion

  • kwargs (dict) – Passed to Extrusion constructor


buffered – Extrusion object with new values

Return type:


property direction

Based on the extrudes transform what is the vector along which the polygon will be extruded.


direction – Unit direction vector

Return type:

(3,) float

property origin

Based on the extrude transform what is the origin of the plane it is extruded from.


origin – Origin of extrusion plane

Return type:

(3,) float


Alter the transform of the current extrusion to slide it along its extrude_direction vector


distance (float) – Distance along self.extrude_direction to move


Get a copy of the current Extrusion primitive as a JSON-serializable dict that matches the schema in trimesh/resources/schema/extrusion.schema.json


as_dict – Serializable data for this primitive.

Return type:


property transform

The transform of the Primitive object.


transform – Homogeneous transformation matrix

Return type:

(4, 4) float

property volume

The volume of the Extrusion primitive. Calculated from polygon and height to avoid mesh creation.


volume – Volume of 3D extrusion

Return type:


class trimesh.primitives.Primitive

Bases: Trimesh

Geometric Primitives which are a subclass of Trimesh. Mesh is generated lazily when vertices or faces are requested.


A Trimesh object contains a triangular 3D mesh.

  • vertices ((n, 3) float) – Array of vertex locations

  • faces ((m, 3) or (m, 4) int) – Array of triangular or quad faces (triangulated on load)

  • face_normals ((m, 3) float) – Array of normal vectors corresponding to faces

  • vertex_normals ((n, 3) float) – Array of normal vectors for vertices

  • metadata (dict) – Any metadata about the mesh

  • process (bool) – if True, Nan and Inf values will be removed immediately and vertices will be merged

  • validate (bool) – If True, degenerate and duplicate faces will be removed immediately, and some functions will alter the mesh to ensure consistent results.

  • use_embree (bool) – If True try to use pyembree raytracer. If pyembree is not available it will automatically fall back to a much slower rtree/numpy implementation

  • initial_cache (dict) – A way to pass things to the cache in case expensive things were calculated before creating the mesh object.

  • visual (ColorVisuals or TextureVisuals) – Assigned to self.visual


Apply a transform to the current primitive by applying a new transform on top of existing self.primitive.transform. If the matrix contains scaling it will change parameters like radius or height automatically.


matrix ((4, 4) float) – Homogeneous transformation

copy(include_visual=True, **kwargs)

Return a copy of the Primitive object.


copied – Copy of current primitive

Return type:


property face_normals

Return the unit normal vector for each face.

If a face is degenerate and a normal can’t be generated a zero magnitude unit vector will be returned for that face.


normals – Normal vectors of each face

Return type:

(len(self.faces), 3) float64

property faces

The faces of the mesh.

This is regarded as core information which cannot be regenerated from cache and as such is stored in self._data which tracks the array for changes and clears cached values of the mesh altered.


faces – References for self.vertices for triangles.

Return type:

(n, 3) int64

abstract to_dict()

Should be implemented by each primitive.


Return a copy of the Primitive object as a Trimesh.


kwargs (dict) – Passed to the Trimesh object constructor.


mesh – Tessellated version of the primitive.

Return type:


property transform

The transform of the Primitive object.


transform – Homogeneous transformation matrix

Return type:

(4, 4) float

property vertices

The vertices of the mesh.

This is regarded as core information which cannot be generated from cache and as such is stored in self._data which tracks the array for changes and clears cached values of the mesh if this is altered.


vertices – Points in cartesian space referenced by self.faces

Return type:

(n, 3) float

class trimesh.primitives.PrimitiveAttributes(parent, defaults, kwargs, mutable=True)

Bases: object

__init__(parent, defaults, kwargs, mutable=True)

Hold the attributes for a Primitive.

  • parent (Primitive) – Parent object reference.

  • defaults (dict) – The default values for this primitive type.

  • kwargs (dict) – User-passed values, i.e. {‘radius’: 10.0}

class trimesh.primitives.Sphere(radius: float | floating | int | integer | unsignedinteger = 1.0, center: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None, transform: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None, subdivisions: int | integer | unsignedinteger = 3, mutable: bool = True)

Bases: Primitive

__init__(radius: float | floating | int | integer | unsignedinteger = 1.0, center: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None, transform: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None = None, subdivisions: int | integer | unsignedinteger = 3, mutable: bool = True)

Create a Sphere Primitive, a subclass of Trimesh.

  • radius – Radius of sphere

  • center (None or (3,) float) – Center of sphere.

  • transform (None or (4, 4) float) – Full homogeneous transform. Pass center OR `transform.

  • subdivisions – Number of subdivisions for icosphere.

  • mutable – Are extents and transform mutable after creation.

property area

Surface area of the current sphere primitive.



Return type:

float, surface area of the sphere Primitive

property bounding_box_oriented

An oriented bounding box for the current mesh.


obb – Box object with transform and extents defined representing the minimum volume oriented bounding box of the mesh

Return type:


property bounds

The axis aligned bounds of the faces of the mesh.


bounds – Bounding box with [min, max] coordinates If mesh is empty will return None

Return type:

(2, 3) float or None

property center
property moment_inertia

The analytic inertia tensor of the sphere primitive.


tensor – 3D inertia tensor.

Return type:

(3, 3) float


Get a copy of the current Sphere primitive as a JSON-serializable dict that matches the schema in trimesh/resources/schema/sphere.schema.json


as_dict – Serializable data for this primitive.

Return type:


property volume

Volume of the current sphere primitive.



Return type:

float, volume of the sphere Primitive