Functions to convert trimesh objects to pyglet/opengl objects.
- trimesh.rendering.colors_to_gl(colors, count)¶
Given a list of colors (or None) return a GL-acceptable list of colors.
- Parameters:
colors ((count, (3 or 4)) float) – Input colors as an array
- Returns:
colors_type (str) – Color type
colors_gl ((count,) list) – Colors to pass to pyglet
- trimesh.rendering.convert_to_vertexlist(geometry, **kwargs)¶
Try to convert various geometry objects to the constructor args for a pyglet indexed vertex list.
- trimesh.rendering.light_to_gl(light, transform, lightN)¶
Convert objects into args for gl.glLightFv calls
- Parameters:
light ( – Light object to be converted to GL
transform ((4, 4) float) – Transformation matrix of light
lightN (int) – Result of gl.GL_LIGHT0, gl.GL_LIGHT1, etc
- Returns:
multiarg – List of args to pass to gl.glLightFv eg: [gl.glLightfb(*a) for a in multiarg]
- Return type:
- trimesh.rendering.material_to_texture(material, upsize=True)¶
Convert a trimesh.visual.texture.Material object into a pyglet-compatible texture object.
- Parameters:
material (trimesh.visual.texture.Material) – Material to be converted
upsize (bool) – If True, will upscale textures to their nearest power of two resolution to avoid weirdness
- Returns:
texture – Texture loaded into pyglet form
- Return type:
- trimesh.rendering.matrix_to_gl(matrix)¶
Convert a numpy row-major homogeneous transformation matrix to a flat column-major GLfloat transformation.
- Parameters:
matrix ((4,4) float) – Row-major homogeneous transform
- Returns:
glmatrix – Transform in pyglet format
- Return type:
(16,) gl.GLfloat
- trimesh.rendering.mesh_to_vertexlist(mesh, group=None, smooth=True, smooth_threshold=60000)¶
Convert a Trimesh object to arguments for an indexed vertex list constructor.
- Parameters:
mesh (trimesh.Trimesh) – Mesh to be rendered
group (str) – Rendering group for the vertex list
smooth (bool) – Should we try to smooth shade the mesh
smooth_threshold (int) – Maximum number of faces to smooth shade
- Returns:
args – Args for vertex list constructor
- Return type:
(7,) tuple
- trimesh.rendering.path_to_vertexlist(path, group=None, **kwargs)¶
Convert a Path3D object to arguments for a pyglet indexed vertex list constructor.
- Parameters:
path (trimesh.path.Path3D object) – Mesh to be rendered
group (str) – Rendering group for the vertex list
- Returns:
args – Args for vertex list constructor
- Return type:
(7,) tuple
- trimesh.rendering.points_to_vertexlist(points, colors=None, group=None, **kwargs)¶
Convert a numpy array of 3D points to args for a vertex list constructor.
- Parameters:
points ((n, 3) float) – Points to be rendered
colors ((n, 3) or (n, 4) float) – Colors for each point
group (str) – Rendering group for the vertex list
- Returns:
args – Args for vertex list constructor
- Return type:
(7,) tuple
- trimesh.rendering.vector_to_gl(array, *args)¶
Convert an array and an optional set of args into a flat vector of gl.GLfloat