- class trimesh.scene.cameras.Camera(name=None, resolution=None, focal=None, fov=None, z_near=0.01, z_far=1000.0)¶
- property K¶
Get the intrinsic matrix for the Camera object.
- Returns:
K – Intrinsic matrix for camera
- Return type:
(3, 3) float
- __init__(name=None, resolution=None, focal=None, fov=None, z_near=0.01, z_far=1000.0)¶
Create a new Camera object that stores camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters.
TODO: skew is not supported TODO: cx and cy that are not half of width and height
- Parameters:
name (str or None) – Name for camera to be used as node name
resolution ((2,) int) – Pixel size in (height, width)
focal ((2,) float) – Focal length in pixels. Either pass this OR FOV but not both. focal = (K[0][0], K[1][1])
fov ((2,) float) – Field of view (fovx, fovy) in degrees
z_near (float) – What is the closest
- angles()¶
Get ray spherical coordinates in radians.
- Returns:
angles – Ray spherical coordinate angles in radians.
- Return type:
(n, 2) float
- copy()¶
Safely get a copy of the current camera.
- property focal¶
Get the focal length in pixels for the camera.
- Returns:
focal – Focal length in pixels
- Return type:
(2,) float
- property fov¶
Get the field of view in degrees.
- Returns:
fov – XY field of view in degrees
- Return type:
(2,) float
- look_at(points, **kwargs)¶
Generate transform for a camera to keep a list of points in the camera’s field of view.
- Parameters:
points ((n, 3) float) – Points in space
rotation (None, or (4, 4) float) – Rotation matrix for initial rotation
distance (None or float) – Distance from camera to center
center (None, or (3,) float) – Center of field of view.
- Returns:
transform – Transformation matrix from world to camera
- Return type:
(4, 4) float
- property resolution¶
Get the camera resolution in pixels.
- Returns:
Camera resolution in pixels
- Return type:
resolution (2,) float
- to_rays()¶
Calculate ray direction vectors.
Will return one ray per pixel, as set in self.resolution.
- Returns:
vectors – Ray direction vectors in camera frame with z == -1
- Return type:
(n, 3) float
- trimesh.scene.cameras.camera_to_rays(camera: Camera)¶
Calculate the trimesh.scene.Camera object to direction vectors.
Will return one ray per pixel, as set in camera.resolution.
- Parameters:
camera (trimesh.scene.Camera)
- Returns:
vectors – Ray direction vectors in camera frame with z == -1
- Return type:
(n, 3) float
- trimesh.scene.cameras.look_at(points, fov, rotation=None, distance=None, center=None, pad=None)¶
Generate transform for a camera to keep a list of points in the camera’s field of view.
`python points = np.array([0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]) scene.camera_transform = `
- Parameters:
points ((n, 3) float) – Points in space
fov ((2,) float) – Field of view, in DEGREES
rotation (None, or (4, 4) float) – Rotation matrix for initial rotation
distance (None or float) – Distance from camera to center
center (None, or (3,) float) – Center of field of view.
- Returns:
transform – Transformation matrix from world to camera
- Return type:
(4, 4) float
- trimesh.scene.cameras.ray_pixel_coords(camera)¶
Get the x-y coordinates of rays in camera coordinates at z == -1.
One coordinate pair will be given for each pixel as defined in camera.resolution. If reshaped, the returned array corresponds to pixels of the rendered image.
```python xy = ray_pixel_coords(camera).reshape(
tuple(camera.coordinates) + (2,))
top_left == xy[0, 0] bottom_right == xy[-1, -1] ```
- Parameters:
camera (trimesh.scene.Camera) – Camera object to generate rays from
- Returns:
xy – x-y coordinates of intersection of each camera ray with the z == -1 frame
- Return type:
(n, 2) float