Shortest ============= Given a mesh and two vertex indices find the shortest path between the two vertices while only traveling along edges of the mesh using a distance-weighted graph search. .. code:: ipython3 import networkx as nx import trimesh .. code:: ipython3 # test on a sphere mesh mesh = trimesh.primitives.Sphere() .. code:: ipython3 # edges without duplication edges = mesh.edges_unique .. code:: ipython3 # the actual length of each unique edge length = mesh.edges_unique_length .. code:: ipython3 # create the graph with edge attributes for length g = nx.Graph() for edge, L in zip(edges, length): g.add_edge(*edge, length=L) .. code:: ipython3 # arbitrary indices of mesh.vertices to test with start = 0 end = int(len(mesh.vertices) / 2.0) .. code:: ipython3 # run the shortest path query using length for edge weight path = nx.shortest_path(g, source=start, target=end, weight="length") .. code:: ipython3 # VISUALIZE RESULT # make the sphere white mesh.visual.face_colors = [255, 255, 255, 255] # Path3D with the path between the points path_visual = trimesh.load_path(mesh.vertices[path]) .. code:: ipython3 # create a scene with the mesh, path, and points scene = trimesh.Scene([path_visual, mesh]) .. code:: ipython3 .. raw:: html